Lauren J. Cross
Coordinator of Paralegal Services
As Coordinator of Paralegal Services, Lauren manages Yasmin L. Stump Law Group, PC’s (YLSLG) legal matters and cases, including filing of legal documents, scheduling legal proceedings and corresponding with court staff. She also provides administrative support to YLSLG’s attorneys and coordinates its accounts receivable department.
Lauren studied education at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana and went on to graduate school at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida where she received her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing.
Before joining YLSLG, Lauren taught english and creative writing subjects in various institutes of higher education. Her primary subject focus was creative nonfiction, where she encouraged students in her classes to excavate their memories, find their truths and share their stories. While she enjoyed working with students and sharing her love for storytelling, she realized she wanted to pursue a career outside of academia and tailor and grow her skills within the legal profession.
During her free time, Lauren enjoys reading, writing, creating event playlists and visiting with friends and family.